Scientist to Wizard: a short coming out story
Kristina Wiltsee Kristina Wiltsee

Scientist to Wizard: a short coming out story

To be honest, it has gone way past the point of the reasonable explanation and into actual 'crazy person' territory. And you know what, I absolutely love every crazy, hare-brained, serendipitous moment of it.

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You, too, can survive mercury retrograde.
Kristina Wiltsee Kristina Wiltsee

You, too, can survive mercury retrograde.

If you don't know, Mercury Retrograde(MR) is when, due to a faster elliptical around the sun, Mercury appears to travel backwards in our sky. Mercury was the Roman god of technology, communication and transportation. So in other words, everything that we are so reliant on for our daily lives to still function.

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